Bardzo mnie to interesuje! Przeczytałem cały temat i przesłuchałem wiele piosenek. Nagrałem kilka własnych(nie piosenek tylko hm... wypowiedzi!) i odwrócone tez fajnie brzmią, np. powiedziałem Natasza Ewa moje kochane a wyszlo enahcok ejom Ave Szatan!!!
PS: Mógłby ktoś mi przetłumaczyć na polski te teksty NORMAL I BACKWARD, ponieważ niezbyt to rozumiem a próba przetłumaczenia kończy się bezsensem.
ogólnie mowa odwrotna to głos podświadomości, który zawsze mówi prawdę. Oto parę przykładów:
(wymaga real media playera)
Konferencja prasowa Roswell (1947 rok)
NORMAL: ...we'll roll a short video that captain McAndrew will talk about...
BACKWARD: We faked it
NORMAL: ..we're confident once the report is out and digested by the public that this will be the final word on the Roswell incident...
BACKWARD: And its not true
NORMAL: ..were probably test dummies that were carried aloft by US air force high altitude balloons for high altitude research...
BACKWARD: Press hurry up / You can beat NASA
NORMAL: ..the first report was the GAO required report for project Mogul..
BACKWARD: Awful doubt
NORMAL: ...all I know is what the air force did, and if you overlay much of their claims...
BACKWARD: Share a secret with NASA
Inne rozmowy pracowników nasa
NORMAL: Ray: ..We did only once before as an experiment. We looked at Venus which of course is very close to the sun. It just wasn't deemed that important...
BACKWARD: There's ships in Eden. Buildings and Americans there / Don't mess Eden
NORMAL: Don: ..if you do the math, the probability is very high, almost 100%, that there is intelligent life out there...
BACKWARD: There is life
Cydonia i twarz na Marsie
NORMAL: Don: ...shortly after it got there when the mapping began that year, Viking orbiter one sent back the picture and somebody noticed it there...
BACKWARD: They scanned it / We're involved with Cydonia
NORMAL: Ray: don't have a whole lot of pixels covering it, so these aren't the best pictures...
BACKWARD: Worse thing - Are they hiding a fort / Does their ships hide with it
NORMAL: Ray: ..they have always included that on the list of images they want to get, to try to understand the terrain better and how the features may have been geologically formed...
BACKWARD: My answer not up to it. Fake it
NORMAL: Ray: ...I don't feel that the scientists and the planetary geologists that I've talked to feel that's just not enough to convince them that this is anything than a natural formation...
BACKWARD: Say the lie / This rave's fun
NORMAL: Ray: ...for the record, I think its interesting that if you look at some Mars pictures you find Kermit the frog And some smiley faces on Mars...
BACKWARD: These ships are on it but nobody's getting answered / Orbiter on Mars
Konferencja prasowa 1997 rok, NASA, tematyka: Mars
NORMAL: Donna Shirley..I was just talking to Bill Green who is our image processing laboratory leader, and he said it will only take him a few minutes to process the pictures once they gew it back...
BACKWARD: Hiding the figures / Hollow. They've seen it. Revealed
NORMAL: .....if the calibration right and the colors looks right and it looks like it's a good picture, they'll send it right out...
BACKWARD: Evil in it. Lie down in this lander
NORMAL: .....our assesment done from this stereo of images that were available, indicate that there are safe areas on either side of this petal...
BACKWARD: They're faking it
NORMAL: .....Pathfinder probably could have landed anywhere where the elevation was below the data...
BACKWARD: I will share the lie
NORMAL: ..then set even greater land distance Rover records on Mars by going a full six meters in autonomous fashion as will be described later over to this region behind these two rocks named Kalvin and Hobbs…
BACKWARD: Reveal the dark city / And the white man's skull we see it, now hidden
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