No trudno nie stało się prawie nic oprócz wzmożonej obserwacji UFO. Apogeum mieliśmy chyba 12 kiedy to w Seulu była masowa manifestacja ww. obiektów, October 14, 2008Reading the Channelling's fine print...I'd have to say that even though it hasn't been the greatest day today, many are emailing me telling me to not give up. And I'd have to concur with them as I was able to stumble upon one of Blossom's past channelling messages. It was her 11th one that reads:
11.OK, You know how I shy away from questions, but there is this big one regarding time zones in different countries, which then puts OCT 14th on different days, if you know what I mean? Are you able to enlighten me on this at all?
Dearest Blossom. All that we choose to say to you is to let go of your fears. We WILL do as we say and before the 15th Oct has come to pass in all corners of your globe this event shall have come to fruition for all to glory in. We shall surprise many in how this all comes about. We say this to you people of earth who are in anticipation of the greatest vibration …So it is not the end of the 14th that we need to wait for it to pass at all corners of the globe, it is actually the 15th of October that we must wait for.
Now I am hoping, I am praying, that we do indeed see something tomorrow's full end. It did hit me pretty hard that nothing transpired today, but I am sucking up all that's left of me and putting my full support into the last day where we can see this incredible experience manifest. I have my fingers crossed! jak widać niektórzy wciąż czekają