"Jane Goldman Investigates" (Niezwykłe doświadczenia Jane Goldman):
- Aliens (Obcy)
- Astrology (Astrologia)
- Exorcism (Egzorcyzm)
- Ghost Hunters (Łowcy duchów)
- Poltergeists
- Prophecies (Przepowiednie)
- Reiki
- Tarot
- The Dead Talk (Transkomunikacja/EVP)
- Voodoo
Brakuje jeszcze do pełnej kolekcji odcinka o różdżkarstwie (Dowsing). Mam - ale niecały (bo mi kurde kablówkę wyłączyli jak nagrywałem

Jane Goldman to badaczka nieznanego, ale nie tylko. Jest cenioną scenarzystką z Hollywood. Napisała m-in. scenariusz do filmu Stardust/Gwiezdny pył, z Robertem De Niro i Michelle Pfeifer

Tutaj tapeta z JG (1024x768) http://www.astralweb...n_wallpaper.jpg
A tutaj co znalazłem o tej osobie w necie (niestety tylko po angielsku...

Jane Lauretta Goldman (born 11 June 1970 in Hammersmith, London) is an English author, model and television presenter. She currently fronts her own paranormal series, Jane Goldman Investigates, on the popular channel Living.
Jane Goldman worked as a staff writer on the multi-format computer games magazine Zero, circa 1990-1992. Whilst pregnant with Betty Kitten, she earned the nick name 'baby factory' in one of the staff features.
Goldman wrote the novel Dreamworld, four non-fiction books for young adults, and the non-fiction, two-volume series The X-Files Book of the Unexplained, about the American television show. Goldman appears as a character in author Neil Gaiman's short story "The Facts in the Case of the Disappearance of Miss Finch" (1996).
She was the cowriter of the screenplay for Stardust, based on Gaiman's novel, and has two other screenplays currently in pre-production: a thriller entitled The Debt and a movie adaption of Mark Millar's comic Kick-Ass.
In June 2008 she was named Film-Maker of the Year at Glamour magazine's Women of the Year awards.
Jane Goldman Investigates
Goldman takes on several paranormal topics in her series, Jane Goldman Investigates. She has individual episodes about several aspects of the paranormal, including ghosts, clairvoyance, astrology and dowsing. She takes a very hands-on approach, attempting to perform many of the tasks she's investigating, such as tarot card-reading and astrology. She dedicates one month to each topic, begins meeting with experts in each field and at the end of each month is given a final test to see how well she has grasped the subject matter.
Goldman also looks at the scientific side of each subject and conducts experiments to further her investigation. For example, she set up an experiment with rune readings to see if people could pick their specific reading out of a group of many. While most of her shows are light-hearted and fun, a few delve into darker aspects of the paranormal, such as voodoo curses and poltergeists. She did a monthly column in Total Guitar, where she was taught to play guitar by a professional musician.
She was also a lingerie model for Fantasie bras.
Źródło: http://en.wikipedia....ki/Jane_Goldman