International terrorists from FSB Russia murdered Polish President with EMP
The Romanian Global News was the only outlet of the Rumanian media which reported about the attack of international terrorists from the FSB Russia against the plane of the Polish President in Smolensk, in which the whole Polish elite had been exterminated. The Rumanian agency cites its sources in the security structures of the NATO. The report has not been officially confirmed yet, but increasing evidence testifies that the Russians really eliminated the leadership of Poland in the most brutal crime of this century.
The opportunity was unique for Russia. Russia never had so many enemies seated in one plane over its territory or near a military base equipped with electronic and electromagnetic weapons systems. It was an opportunity that former KGB agent Vladimir Putin could not miss.
Sources in the Polish Ministry of Defense in Warsaw reported exclusively to the Romanian Global News that Russian military carried out experiments in the past with electromagnetic weapons on its military base in the area of the military airfield where the plane of the Polish president tried to land.
In 2008, Moscow said it had created the most powerful electromagnetic weapon of all time, known as the EMP (electromagnetic pulse), the Russian paper Pravda reported.
Całość Tu :
Czyli, że w tej samej bazie wojskowej blisko lotniska na którym próbował wylądować samolot, testowano wcześniej broń EMP (broń impulsu elektromagnetycznego). To by oznaczało brak dowodów na użycie broni konwencjonalnej przeciw polskiemu samolotowi (rakiet, bomb, broni artyleryjskiej). Zbrodnia idealna. Elektronika się popaliła, samolot spadł, wszyscy świadkowie zginęli, brak jednoznacznego dowodu na zamach.
Przecież nawet jak by były fragmenty elektroniki z tego samolotu, to i tak uległy uszkodzeniu (spaleniu, spięciom) na skutek samego zderzenia z ziemią i jego następstw. Jak udowodnić, że elektronika spaliła się, gdy samolot był jeszcze w powietrzu ?
Użytkownik mortyr edytował ten post 16.04.2010 - 14:17