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ET/UFO Disclosure - rewolucja rozpoczęta

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hubiii p.
  • Postów: 500
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Ten filmik to urywek z filmu Battle Los Angeles bodajże ale nie jestem pewny film będzie niedługo w kinach...po prostu klip z filmu

w marcu bedzie jeszcze jeden z kosmitą w koncu jakas komedia :D ze obcy nie sa tacy zli :D

PAUL komedia heheh ale cos za duzo ich o kosmitac w ostatnim czasie
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Zresztą nie wiem czy wiązać ilość powstawanych filmów z disclosure. Ponieważ w branży filmowej co jakiś czas są nowe trendy. Kiedyś było dużo akcji ostatnio było wiele katastroficznych teraz przyszedł czas na złych kosmitów. Wyczerpie się temat i będą powstawać filmy o innej tematyce. Obecny trend narzuciły Avatar i Dystrykt9 (9 tak?). Patrzył bym bardziej w stronę rządowych inicjatyw.
Dla mnie perełką jest przyznanie, że ufo to prawda przez zmarłego już dyrektora Lockhead. Nie wiem czemu ale opowieści Armstronga nie specjalnie mnie wciągają.
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  • Postów: 146
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Reputacja Nieszczególna


Ten filmik to urywek z filmu Battle Los Angeles bodajże ale nie jestem pewny film będzie niedługo w kinach...po prostu klip z filmu

w marcu bedzie jeszcze jeden z kosmitą w koncu jakas komedia :D ze obcy nie sa tacy zli :D

PAUL komedia heheh ale cos za duzo ich o kosmitac w ostatnim czasie

Co ty nie powiesz... patrz na to link link link link link link link link link link link link link
to jest dziwne większość wychodzi przed rokiem 2012 i żadnie Avatary i Dystrykty 9 tego nie tłumaczą... Trendy trendami, ale nigdy w historii kina nie było czegoś takiego, do tego dochodzi B:LA, Paul 15 filmów o kosmiach w przeciągu 2 lat?? bez przesady, chyba w latach 60 było mnie filmów o takiej tematyce....

Użytkownik wujek1985 edytował ten post 03.02.2011 - 07:45

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Wikileaks go extra-terrestrial

UFO Sighting Revelations Released Soon By Wikileaks, Says Assange
As if he’s taken on Fox Mulder’s “I Want To Believe” mantra from the X-Files TV series, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has told British media that there are numerous “enlightening” references to UFOs in “yet-to-be-published” confidential files obtained from both the U.S. and other foreign government sources. Assange, a 39-year-old Australian, states in a recent report from the London-based Guardian newspaper and online information service that recently posted an interview with the WikiLeaks founder about his bounty of secret UFO files.

When asked about the UFO files that Assange said will be released soon, he noted there are “details about UFOs and extraterrestrials. However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the Cablegate archive, there are indeed references to UFOs,” asserted Assange during the interview. Britain's Guardian is one of a number of newspapers around the world with early access to these secret UFO files seen by WikiLeaks.

Read the full story at:
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Shortez ta wiadomość odnośnie Assange i ufo już była na forum opublikowana i to dość dawno temu.
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  • Postów: 1825
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A to przepraszam, ponieważ wpis na pewnej zagranicznej stronie jest z dzisiaj więc sądziłem, że jest to nowe. Myślałem, że jest jest to potwierdzenie newsa sprzed półtora miesiąca
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hubiii p.
  • Postów: 500
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Ten filmik to urywek z filmu Battle Los Angeles bodajże ale nie jestem pewny film będzie niedługo w kinach...po prostu klip z filmu

w marcu bedzie jeszcze jeden z kosmitą w koncu jakas komedia :D ze obcy nie sa tacy zli :D

PAUL komedia heheh ale cos za duzo ich o kosmitac w ostatnim czasie

Co ty nie powiesz... patrz na to link link link link link link link link link link link link link
to jest dziwne większość wychodzi przed rokiem 2012 i żadnie Avatary i Dystrykty 9 tego nie tłumaczą... Trendy trendami, ale nigdy w historii kina nie było czegoś takiego, do tego dochodzi B:LA, Paul 15 filmów o kosmiach w przeciągu 2 lat?? bez przesady, chyba w latach 60 było mnie filmów o takiej tematyce....

to chyba nie do mnie piszesz? chyba raczej do shortez'a, bo ja akurat wiem ile filmow bedzie .. i ilosc ciagnie rosnie.
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  • Postów: 146
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Reputacja Nieszczególna


Pierwsza linijka z linkami była do ciebie reszta do Shorteza:P
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Hmm, myślałem, że całość była do mnie, razem z linkami :)
hmm co racja to racja bardzo dużo ich jest ostatnio. Próbowałem podejśc do tego od strony sceptyka i poszukać jakiegoś racjonalnego wytłumaczenia ;) ogólnie koniec minionego roku był chyba kluczowy w sprawach odtajnienia.

Jestem stale na bierząco z nowymi informacjami i doniesieniami, codziennie sprawdzam stronę ufohqs od góry do dołu (jakieś 50+ newsów dziennie)

@down / IteratorZX81

Użytkownik shortez edytował ten post 03.02.2011 - 18:05

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  • Postów: 98
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Reputacja neutralna


Shortez, dasz link do tej strony?
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hubiii p.
  • Postów: 500
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shortez tnx

Page Not Found

The page you were looking for was not found.

:))) chyba trzeba sie zalogowac :)

troche ta strona dziwnie zrobiona .. chaos ...

Użytkownik hubiii p edytował ten post 05.02.2011 - 10:34

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Reputacja neutralna


hubii p, coś jest najwyraźniej źle ze stroną, bo jak ja wchodziłem to działało (bez logowania). Możliwe, że podobna rzecz jak niedawno z paranormalium
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hubiii p.
  • Postów: 500
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no prawdopodobnie .. bede monitorowal bo cos czesto wywalalo mi na niej blad a pozniej juz w ogole nie dzialala .. :D

pieknie dziala, jest tego .. full.

Użytkownik hubiii p edytował ten post 05.02.2011 - 17:36

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  • Postów: 1825
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Reputacja znakomita


Tekst pochodzi z : http://www.examiner....r#ixzz1CyOzsggK

Wikileaks UFO: Julian Assange's secret messages released in Vancouver

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange unconsciously released intelligence regarding the ET presence on Earth during a recent interview on CBS Television's 60 Minutes. Secret messages encrypted backwards in the voice of Mr. Assange were detected by a Vancouver-based mobile audio lab monitoring his statements through a digital audio mirror filter. The secret messages reflect data from a European Union Times report describing a secret US war against a UFO base in the South Pacific. Since last December's publication of Mr. Assange's remarks confirming the future release of Cablegate UFO information in Britain's Guardian newspaper, the search string 'Wikileaks UFO' is now tasked to military intelligence agencies including the US Navy Network Information Center or NNIC, based in Camp Pendleton, CA as online website visitor logs show. If the EU Times article is correct, recent and highly provocative appearances of UFO’s in sensitive airspace over Jerusalem, Victoria BC, New York and Dallas TX must be re-evaluated in terms of peaceful political public actions from ET’s intent upon sharing the potential resources of the world with human beings. This story is the subject of a new episode of SecretMessageTV and can also be heard on today's Secret Message Report – Podcast Edition.

The open source analytic methodology used in detecting the secret messages of Julian Assange reflected a graph of his digitally sampled speech from the CBS Television interview across the Y axis, enabling audio playback and monitoring in reverse. The messages detected through this procedure are formed by unconscious processes related to sleep talking and Freudian slips. They repeatedly provide involuntary disclosures revealing the contents of the speaker's unconscious mind. has reported how such analysis has proven effective in the gathering of intelligence for military, political, forensic, clinical and UFO Disclosure applications.

Here is a partial transcript from portions of the 60 Minutes interview along with secret messages from the newly released Vancouver report:

Julian Assange: “I would like to believe that [the majority of the US population does not believe Mr. Assange is a terrorist nor do they condone calls for his assassination by popular US political figures]. On the other hand, incitements to murder is a serious issue and there is a portion of the population that will believe in them and may carry them out.”

Secret Message: I'm not one of you.

Julian Assange: “Now there are certain views amongst [US Secretary of State] Hillary Clinton and her lot that we are subverting their authority. But you're right, we are subverting illegitimate authority. The question is whether the authority is legitimate or illegitimate.”

Secret Message: Iran has nuclear leak.

Julian Assange: “What we do have is a system whereby we distribute encrypted backups of things we have yet to publish. There are backups distributed amongst many, many people – 100,000 people. And all we need to do is give them an encrypted key. They will be able to continue on ... If a number of people were imprisoned or assassinated then we would feel that we could not go on and that other people would have to take over our work and we would release those keys.”

Secret Message: I guess this battle will be bloody.

Julian Assange: “I won't make any comment in relation to that upcoming publication [regarding the contents of a 5GB hard drive containing sensitive bank information] ... There'll be a process of elimination if we denied some and admitted others ... But I think it's great to have all these banks squirming thinking, maybe it's them.”

Secret Message: It's alien. Hidden now.

Julian Assange: “It is our sources, who choose to provide us with information or not, depending on how they see our actions. It is our donors, who choose to give us money or not. This organization cannot survive for more than a few months without the ongoing support of the public.”

Secret Message: The saucer city.

Click here to listen to the secret messages of Julian Assange in a new episode of The Secret Message Report - Podcast Edition.

Last December, the European Union Times stated how, “[T]he United States went to its highest alert level on June 10, 2004 after a massive fleet of UFO’s “suddenly emerged” from the Southern Ocean and approached Guadalajara, Mexico barely 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) from the American border. Prior to reaching the US border, however, this massive UFO fleet is said in this report to have “dimensionally returned” to their Southern Ocean “home base”. The fears of the Americans regarding these Southern Ocean UFO’s began, this report says, during the unprecedented events of July 11, 1991 (referred to as 7/11) when during the Solar Eclipse these mysterious aircraft appeared by the hundreds over nearly all of Mexico, even their Capital city. Most notable about the events of 7/11 were that as millions of Mexicans were watching on their televisions the National broadcasts of these UFO’s over Mexico City, the American media refused to allow their people to view it. Since 2004, this report continues, fleets of Southern Ocean UFO’s have continued to emerge from their bases, with the latest such event being this Friday past when another of their massive fleets was sighted over the South American Nation of Chile. The “immediate danger” to our World when these massive UFO fleets emerge from the Southern Ocean, this report warns, are the massive waves caused by their sudden eruption from what are believed to be their underwater base, or bases.”

Do the secret messages of Julian Assange describing hidden alien artifacts, a saucer city and a bloody battle refer to the same information disclosed in the European Union Times report? In what ways do the peacefully provocative incursions of UFO's into highly sensitive airspace over Jerusalem, Victoria BC, New York and Dallas TX reflect ET desires to share the world's resources with humanity? Join the online discussion at entitled Wikileaks UFO: Julian Assange's secret messages and share your views on this story now!

Wikileaks is a non-profit website actively engaged in releasing documents to the mainstream press alleging misconduct on the parts of governments and big business. While Wikileaks has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, Julian Assange remains an enigmatic and controversial figure. Currently under house arrest in Britain awaiting potential extradition to Sweden, Mr. Assange has been criticized for generating national security pressures on governments who can use his actions to justify changing Internet laws as they pertain to censorship and freedom of speech.

The ZDNet Government blog reports: “[I]f enough governments are angered over the sort of behavior that a Wikileaks is engaging in, and if they can’t use existing law enforcement or other means to stop this sort of behavior on the current Internet, there is the chance they will force the Internet to change its nature. Countries like North Korea and China have been attempting this already. China has erected what’s called The Great Firewall of China, the Golden Shield Project, jindùn gongchéng. The purpose of this project is to monitor and control everythingthat travels in, through, or out of China’s Internet. Sites are blocked, content is filtered, and censorship is rampant. While Western governments undoubtedly engage in some level of overall Internet monitoring, there is nothing like the Golden Shield in operation here. But if the UK or the United States or, say, Russia, decides its finally had enough of this trafficking in stolen classified information, we may start to see more draconian controls placed on our use of the Internet. We may start to see in-depth packet analysis for alltraffic, so that torrents containing classified information can be disrupted. We may see ISPs required to block any encrypted or binary communication, so anything that’s unreadable by governments can’t travel across the network. We may see citizens permanently cut off from the Internet (and, by extension, cut off from their friends, jobs, and society) because they’re hosting files that only just mightbe similar to files of interest. This, then, could be the true, selfish legacy of the foolish idealists who support Wikileaks and the release of information that should not be revealed.”

In a story asking what Cablegate reveals about Canada, Dominion News Cooperative's Media Co-Op published a list of online resources to aid in public research of the available Cablegate documents. These resources include:

* Wikileak's viewer
* The CBC's database
* A spreadsheet for decoding acronyms
* The Guardian interactive map
* The Guardian live updates

Some of the stories to emerge from Cablegate research describe comments from a former Canadian CSIS Director along with details of how the US spied on Canada.

Continue reading on Wikileaks UFO: Julian Assange's secret messages released in Vancouver - Vancouver ufo | http://www.examiner....r#ixzz1D5FZdFMg
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Masz może link do nagrania niezmodyfikowanego przez SecretMessageTV? Sam chciałbym to sprawdzić, bo nie wierzę w żadne ukryte wiadomości dopóki sam ich nie usłyszę. Prawda jest taka że papier/strona internetowa przyjmie wszystko a backmasking jest dość sensacyjny i naprawdę można wszystko napisać.

Np. do powyższego tekstu mógłbym napisać tak: ukryta wiadomość: Jestem agentem kosmitów, którzy są już na ziemi. Prawda że głupio brzmi? Tak samo jak tamto. Więc dopóki sam nie odwrócę wypowiedzi Assange'a i nie usłyszę tego co jest napisane w powyższym artykule nie uwierzę.
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