Hmmm do GLP mam wiele zastrzeżeń, ale powaliła mnie trafność pewnej uwagi z ich strony w stronę NASA

do odnalezienia tutaj :
http://www.godlikepr...sage1492796/pg1i tutaj
http://astrobiology....stion/?id=14416a tutaj wieeeeelki lecz treściwy skrót
So what the deal with comet elenin, there does not seem to be too much credible information. Everyone seems to be freaking out about it, but no one even knows how big it is. Does this comet pose a threat and what is its size and nature? AND I have read about comet Elenin and how some nasa people want to keep it a secret. what are the chances of it coming to earth and what threat does it bring with it, and has this comet got anything to do with 2012 hoax? AND Elinin is only .117 au from earth on mar 11,2011. From march 8 to mar 15, 2011, what are the chances that Elinin either impacts us, or gets close enough to cause a major catastrophy. Please be honest.
Answer (part of it):
...This means its mass is less than one billionth the mass of the Earth. Needless to say, we will not be aware of the tiny gravitational pull from Elenin. In spite of these simple facts, some websites (such as godlikeproductions) are making wild claims that Elenin will hit the Earth, or disturb our orbit, or cause tides, or interact with our magnetic field.
Such claims are pure fiction...
Może przytoczę właściwy kawałek treści (niektórzy wolą mieć podane na tacy, to nie musi oznaczać ociężałości umysłowej lecz często po prostu wygodnictwo)
AND Elinin is only .117 au from earth on mar 11,2011. From march 8 to mar 15, 2011, what are the chances that Elinin either impacts us, or gets close enough to cause a major catastrophy.
Odpowiedź (z Nasa):
This means its mass is less than one billionth the mass of the Earth. Needless to say, we will not be aware of the tiny gravitational pull from Elenin. In spite of these simple facts, some websites (such as godlikeproductions) are making wild claims that Elenin will hit the Earth, or disturb our orbit, or cause tides, or interact with our magnetic field.
Such claims are pure fiction...
cóż, 11 marca 2011 zdaje się że miało miejsce pewne wydarzenie, NASA nie wyraziło zdania w tej kwestii - nic się nie stało.
Stąd, cóż, trudno mi wnioskować co ma na myśli ekipa z NASA gdy mówi "move along, nothing to see here.."
Osobiście mam mieszane uczucia - sporo splotów wydarzeń, zbiegów okoliczności, niejasności. I brak jasnych komunikatywnych wiadomości od ludzi którzy poza pisaniem bzdur o masie nie chcą nic wyjaśniać, najlepiej aby ciemny motłoch siedział cicho i płacił na ich pracę z której nigdy nic nie wyniesie poza wyniosłym milczeniem.
dodam cytat ze strony z odpowiedzią NASA
In spite of these simple facts, some websites (such as godlikeproductions) are making wild claims that Elenin will hit the Earth, or disturb our orbit, or cause tides, or interact with our magnetic field. Such claims are pure fiction. One of the worst examples is a video that someone posted on the NASAbuzzroom website that claims that the magnetic field of the comet will cause a large shift in the rotation axis of the Earth and produce mega-earthquakes on March 15, 2011. It is hard to imagine anyone would take this seriously. Comets don't have magnetic fields, and magnetic fields can't change the rotation axis or cause earthquakes no matter how large they are
Fakt, nie 15 marca ale 11 marca - ale, co to zmienia ?
Użytkownik sechmet edytował ten post 17.05.2011 - 19:54