The biologists and geneticists use the language of analogies and metaphors to explain how genetic apparatus operates. The genetic apparatus consisting of 46 chromosomes is viewed as a library consisting of 46 volumes or books. Each book (a chromosome), contains a text (instructions of how to build an organism) which consists of sentences (DNA) consisting of words (genes). And each word (a gene) consists of 4 letters (certain “chemical letters”), i.e. the “genetic alphabet” consists of only 4 “letters”. The material realizations of the DNA molecules are famous double helixes, consisting of segments which are genes. In essence, genetic apparatus operates as follows. The texts, written in the “DNA language”, are first translated by the organism into the “RNA language” and then into the “Protein language”. And proteins are the stuff that we are mostly made of (not counting water). Proteins perform two principle functions in the organism: they metabolize substances that we eat and participate in the morphogenesis, i.e. development of the spatial-temporal organization of an organism.
I gdzie tu potwierdzenie odkryć rosjanina? To co zacytowałeś to wyjaśnienie dla laika, nazywające deskrypcję, translację i transkrypcję sekwencji przepisywaniem "języka" ale zawsze w cudzysłowie, bo językiem nie jest. Znajdź mi publikację o odkryciu że nić DNA owija się wokół mostu Rosego-Einsteina i że skręca laser w spiralę, to pogadamy.