It could cause SEVERE Weather,Hurricanes and Seismic disturbances.Its name is C/2006 P1 is on Solar Conjunction and it will remain until Perihelion on January 11 2007...It is coming trough the BLIND SPOT behind the Sun....It is impossible to observe until it passes Perihelion after January 15 2007...Remember Comet V1 NEAT in 2003? This one is showing similar behaviour and its activity is higher than V1 NEAT in 2003.
Surely,this one is BIG with a STRANGE ORBIT coming trough Mercury's orbital plane.
Keep your eyes on this one folks!
nie to, ze ten... moze to zbieg okolcznosci, ale nie wyglada to jakos znajomo za oknem ?

i z prognozami ustania wiatru akurat po przelocie komety