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2007-2012 Wizje Szamana

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#256 Gość_Rishro

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"Armia NATO rusza na przywodce podobnego do Hitlera"
Korea Płd.?

Macie na aktualne miesiace te przepowiednie co miesieczne?

Wiecie co mi ogolnie przypominaja przepowiednie? Prognoze pogody. Jest tygodniowa, a tu przepowiednie nawet na aktualny miesiac :). Snieg na Mazowszu, deszcz na Slasku. Wojenka tu, wojenka tam. Taka norma. Fajnie wiedziec co sie stanie, ale nikt nie wie co kazdego z osobna spotka. Ok. To jak z tymi nowymi przepowiedniami?
  • 0


Rainbow Lizard.
  • Postów: 484
  • Tematów: 11
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
  • Artykułów: 1
Reputacja dobra


Przedstawione w pierwszym poście przepowiednie aż proszą się o to, aby wrzucić je do szufladki z napisem "hoax" albo "delusions". Póki co albo w ogóle się nie spełniły, albo spełniły się tylko dzięki temu, że szansa na zaistnienie danych wydarzeń była bardzo wysoka (czytaj: szczęśliwy traf).

"Napisano 30 pazdziernika 2006r przez Bluecloud :


Proba zabojstwa papieza

Nic mi o takim zamachu nie wiadomo, Google też milczy na ten temat.
"Wiecej zmian klimatycznych"
Żadna przepowiednia - zmiany klimatyczne są coraz gwałtowniejsze, szczęśliwy traf.

"Huragan w Nowym Jorku"
Stan Nowy Jork jest nawiedzany przez huragany od XIX wieku, zaś począwszy od lat sześćdziesiątych, w stanie tym praktycznie każdego roku pojawia się huragan. Huragan w samym mieście Nowy Jork również nie jest jakimś wyjątkowym wydarzeniem.

""Izrael-Iran-Syria , Wojna (lato)"
O wojnie, której nie było...

"Trzesienie ziemi w Alasce"
Na południe od Alaski znajduje się styk dwóch płyt kontynentalnych: Północnoamerykańskiej i Pacyficznej - trudno zatem, aby nie było tam żadnych trzęsień ziemi. Poza tym, w 2007 nie było w Alasce trzęsienia ziemi, które dorównałoby temu z 1964 (Good Friday Earthquake).

"Smierci od wirusa w USA"
Tą przepowiednię można uznać za spełnioną, jeśli przynajmniej jedna osoba w USA zmarła na grypę albo HIV. xP
"Eksplozje w Turcji"
Zamachy bombowe zdarzają się w Turcji praktycznie każdego roku. Będą także w 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 etc.

"Wydarzenie zwiazane z ksiezycem"
W 2007 był przypływ - jest to wydarzenie związane z Księżycem (i dochodzi do niego co kilkadziesiąt dni). Jestem pewien, że w 2020 też dojdzie do wydarzeń związanych z Księżycem. xP

"Proba zabojstwa prezydenta w USA"
O, kolejne wielkie wydarzenie, do którego nie doszło.


"USA "martial law" - stan wojenny (pozwoliłem sobie poprawić) Przemo"
Stanu wojennego w USA w 2008 brak.

"Huragany w Texasie , Florydzie i na Hawajach"
W 2008 rzeczywiście miał miejsce huragan w Teksasie i na Florydzie - tylko tylko, że w Zatoce Meksykańskiej huragany nie są czymś wyjątkowym.

"Katastrofa w Kolorado"
Nie sprawdziło się - no chyba, że za katastrofę uzna się wypadek samochodowy. xP

"Erupcja w parku Yellowstone i Rainier"
Znowu pudło.

"Izrael zbombardowany brodna bomba"
"Brudna" pisze się przez "u", nie "ó". jakoś nie słyszałem, aby mieszkańcy Izraela zaczęli świecić na zielono.

"Wirusowe smierci w Pln Ameryce"
To samo było w 2007 - grypa strikes back? xP

"[i]Publiczne potwierdzenie istnienia obcych

"[i]Kryzys ekonomiczny w USA
Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że większość owych pseudo-proroctw okazała się błędna, to proroctwo uznaję za szczęśliwy traf (50% szans na powodzenie - tak albo nie).
  • 0


  • Postów: 4113
  • Tematów: 426
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
Reputacja znakomita


Jak już pewnie niektórzy zdążyli się zorientować amerykańskie forum Godlike Productions,z którego pochodzi właśnie ten temat to prawdziwa skarbnica albo raczej "wylęgarnia" różnorakich tematów i informacji,niejednokrotnie mijających się niestety z prawdą.
To co chcę przedstawić poniżej w poście jest niejako "znacznie rozszerzoną wersją" tematu głównego,wykraczającą daleko poza rok 2012.
Nie mam pojęcia kto był na tyle kreatywny i cierpliwy aby sporządzić tak pokaźną listę przepowiedni,proroctw,nadchodzących wydarzeń oraz ich następstw ale jak się okazuje nie wszystko jest "wyssane z palca".
Przeglądając bardzo pobieżnie zatrzymałem się na dacie 2009/09/09,która to nas szczególnie powinna interesować,i cóż zobaczyłem ... ano wizję Filipka i jego sławne "Trzy dziewiątki" Polish prophacy of Floods
Być może reszta tekstu również zawiera jakieś znajome nam daty i wydarzenia.
Wklejam surowy tekst (bez tłumaczenia).Jeżeli ktoś uzna (Grupa Tłumacze),że tekst jest ciekawy i warty zachodu,to może go rozpracować.

Bezpośredni link do tego tekstu poniżej.Uprzedzam,że niektóre adresy IP (Neostrada) nie są zbyt mile widziane na tym forum.

Miłej zabawy!

2009/??/?? : Riots become wide spread.
2009/??/?? : Russia and Iran invade Israel. Israel strikes back.
2009/??/?? : Russian psychic predicts USA nuked.
2009/??/?? : The rapture will happen any day now...
2009/06/?? : DOOM!!!
2009/06/?? : Planet X hits planet earth.
2009/06/?? : Swine Flu epidemic is at its peak. 1/4th of the American population is dead. Civil unrest develops when word is leaked out from an anonymous senior official in the government, that President Barak Obama and other senior politicians allegedly caught the virus and received a "miracle vaccine" that was kept from the public during the crisis.
2009/06/01 : Military Draft to go in effect
2009/06/01 : The summer of hell begins.
2009/06/05 : (Edited) has been instructed to speak the prophecy of Lucifer unto you profane, unlike times of old, this shall not be done in secret but in the open so that you may believe in the power of Lucifer and despair of the things to come. Witness this seal 6+5+2+9 = 22, the stones have been laid fools by the master, and now they shall be broken along with your spirits.
2009/06/08 : abomination that causes desolation' starts. in dan 12:10 'the end times' says "from the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up there will be 1290 days"
2009/06/13 : Near the city of Cape Town, South Africa, at the 33rd parallel South, something will cause the movement of tectonic plates in the Atlantic Ocean, in one of the faults on the Earth`s crust and a large magnitude earth quake will ensue, consequently mega waves will be formed.
2009/06/15 : Either the Auto companies will go under destroying the american economy, or the government will invalidate 200 years of contract law and people will pull their money out of the bond market, causing a financial colapse.
2009/06/19 : Timewave Novelty Event - 0.0043N*
2009/06/22 : Operation Blackjack will happen.
2009/06/22 : Start of a period of mystical occult time period where attacks against the US with the intent of destroying the goverment are more likely.
2009/06/23 : Something weird happens in the mexican sky.
2009/07/?? : California runs out of vegitables.
2009/07/?? : The freemasons are going to do something. There will be a massive awakening and change of order.
2009/07/?? : US stock markets will crash in July. What will be the cause? Going by the GLP Nostradamus thread quoted above, wars will begin before July. Korean war will soon begin, followed by China invading Taiwan.
2009/07/01 : Start of a 2nd degree doom event
2009/07/04 : End of a period of mystical occult time period where attacks against the US with the intent of destroying the goverment are more likely.
2009/07/05 : The Church of the SubGenius has announced that the end of the world will take place.
2009/07/07 : Latest jellyfish crop circle predicst solar storm
2009/07/07 : Planet X on closest approach to Earth.
2009/07/08 : And at 34 minutes and 56 seconds past 12:00 it will be 12:34:56 07/08/09. Doom will occur.
2009/07/11 : A massive Trigger Event.
2009/07/11 : Obama will use lasers to do... something. I can’t figure this guy out.
2009/07/11 : Something big will happen.
2009/07/11 : The tribulation begins.
2009/07/15 : Big space ship appears over las vegas
2009/07/22 : 70th WEEK OF DANIEL 9 "I shall make mortal man scarcer than fine gold? I shall make the heavens trremble, and the earth shall shake from her place..." (Isaiah 13:12-13)
2009/07/22 : Solar eclipse reviels the existance of aliens.
2009/08/?? : Government services falter as budgets collapse. Dollar goes into freefall. Social security payments not available.
2009/08/?? : Martial law declaired in the US.
2009/08/01 : California runs out of money and files bankruptcy.
2009/08/08 : End of the 2nd degree doom event
2009/08/15 : The Waitaha prophecy predicts a pivotal moment in history. This event may or may not be known publicly, but it will be the beginning of a new human dream, a dream almost identical to the Mayan belief that the heavens will open and our brother and sisters of the universe will reveal themselves"
2009/08/20 : The US declares martial law.
2009/08/22 : The Sun, our Sun, will be hit by a long since dead dwarf star. It has been named Hellion-1957. It was discovered December 22nd 1956.
2009/08/27 : There will be two moons
2009/09/?? : Arrival of BOGS cooperative living model. General erotion of the federal government.
2009/09/?? : Obama will take all of our guns.
2009/09/?? : The Government will use chemtrails to spray a virus to mutate people and declare martial law.
2009/09/01 : End of the summer of Hell.
2009/09/01 : This will have been the quietest summer in years.
2009/09/07 : The US Declares Martial Law.
2009/09/09 : Polish prophacy of Floods
2009/09/22 : NK uses it’s nukes on Japan.
2009/10/?? : Internet starts to fail. Two major ships go missing. Possible missing royalty or hollywod types.
2009/10/?? : The planet Nibiru becomes visible. Trouble with Nibiru prophecies is that they cannot make up their mind about exactly WHAT Nibiru is. Is it a Planet, an Inhabited Planet, a Brown Dwarf, a Dark Star, a HUGE Spaceship full of aggresive and/or freindly aliens called Annunaki. Whatever. It’s-a-commin!
2009/10/?? : USA Nuked.
2009/10/07 : IT will happen???
2009/10/21 : Timewave Novelty Event - 0.0035N*
2009/11/07 : (Consciousness surpasses technology)
2009/11/13 : Beginning of the 6th day of the galatic underground and the end of the age of ethics.
2009/12/?? : Assassination attempt on Obama. May or may not be successful. The assassins are most likely government spooks.
2009/12/?? : Military response from N. Korea from US threat.
2009/12/31 : government will not allow health food stores and drug stores to sell vitamins and supplements
2009/12/31 : Codex Alimentarius is scheduled to be implemented worldwide
2010/??/?? : A cloned christ will be sent to Earth from Mars, proclaiming the New World Order and his New Holy Empire.
2010/??/?? : A Middle East war coupled with a world financial collapse will center attention on the UN as a control factor.
2010/??/?? : About Yellowstone, yes there will be , a massive volcanic eruption it will spread an immense volume of ash that covers all of the western U.S., much of the Midwest, northern Mexico and some areas of the eastern Pacific.
2010/??/?? : All Earth citizens will have mandatory identification cards with their DNA imprinted upon them. These will be monitored via satellite.
2010/??/?? : All money and assets will belong to the New Earth Empire. A global credit system will be imposed.
2010/??/?? : All people will have a chip placed in their skulls connecting them to a central to computer control system. (These chips can be sabotaged.)
2010/??/?? : Another possible time-frame for Eliyahu to appear (drinking from his cup foretold by traditional Passover meals?), as or with the Two Witnesses, prompting massive Israeli-national change, but also prompting a strong Arab/Muslim world alliance with the goal of Israel's destruction.
2010/??/?? : Arab/Muslim alliance attacks Judah-Israel (Psalm 83) - Zechariah's Nuclear War - 10 days of Awe begin, an "overflowing scourge" - Kingdom of Jew-dah "like a melting pot" destroys her attackers with fire (Zech 12:1-6). Damascus becomes a ruinous heap (Isaiah 17:1). "Confirmation of the Covenant" (Daniel 9:27)? Ark of the Covenant revealed? (much controversy on who by and who for this covenant is confirmed). Anti-Messiah makes hidden (non-public?) pact with 10 kings/leaders, "Confirmation of the Covenant" (Daniel 9:27)? Together, the Beast and 10 leaders plan to destroy the USA, Mystery Babylon #1 (daughter) with fire (Rev 17:1-18; Jer 51:12; Zech 2:7).
2010/??/?? : Bird flu spreads easily through human to human contact.
2010/??/?? : Blacks will be eliminated from the Earth except for those that have a mixture of genetics with other races, like the Ethiopians, Sudanese, and some USA and Caribbean Blacks.
2010/??/?? : China and Israel will attack and destroy Moslem Fundamentalists in Central and Western Asia
2010/??/?? : Dissidents will be shipped for re-education to huge concentration camps already in place in the US and Canada
2010/??/?? : GPS system fails.
2010/??/?? : I see many soldiers in blue across the USA. The great virus will make Martial Law a fact. The Camps will be full, many people will die 1 State will be total empty, leaving behind the Golden Sun.
2010/??/?? : Jupiter will become a second sun, making this a Binary Star System. This is a result of the String of Pearls Comet (technology) that struck the gas giant in 1994 (the effects of which may have already been corrected).
2010/??/?? : Martial Law declared to restore order (based on Patriot Acts and Executive Orders).
2010/??/?? : New York City will be declared the UN Capitol city for the Earth and given special status. This is why New York State is called the ´Empire State.´
2010/??/?? : Obama Assassinated.
2010/??/?? : Rioting and chaos in major US cities; polarization of minorities creating a call from the minorities for a need for segregation.
2010/??/?? : Scallar weapon - 10.0 California Earthquake.
2010/??/?? : The 144,000 of Rev 7 and "the Woman" of Rev 12 gathered at Jerusalem for the Festival of Tabernacles made possible by preceding events and Eliyahu.
2010/??/?? : The dollar bottoms out.
2010/??/?? : The Dome of the Rock Mosque will be destroyed and the Temple of Solomon will be rebuilt there. The Ark of the Covenant will be relocated there.
2010/??/?? : The illuminati will conceal fuel reserves, causing artifical shortages.
2010/??/?? : The temperatures in some countries of Africa could be as high as 58 degrees Celsius, and there will be a serious shortage of water.
2010/??/?? : The UN declares the US is too large to be administered as is, and will order it to be split into two districts, E and W. The E District capitol will be Atlanta; the Western district capitol will be Denver. This is why government offices and international super-airports were built in these two cities.
2010/??/?? : The United Nations will be called in to restore order with waves of Chinese, Russian, and German troops in the USA.
2010/??/?? : Tishrei (First Fruits) The 144,000 sealed in Jerusalem. First Fruits of Elohim (Rev 14:1-5).
2010/??/?? : Washington D.C. will becomes an illuminati cultural site and possibly even a religious center for them
2010/??/?? : WWIII - United States takes over the world, wins WWIII
2010/??/?? 7th Seal (Rev 7:1-8:6) - Winds of Wrath restrained for "half an hour" until the 144,000 are sealed from each tribe of Israel.
2010/01/?? : DOW drops below 4000.
2010/01/?? : Gamma rays kill everybody or turn everyone into the incredable hulk or something.
2010/01/01 : Start of a T-3 event
2010/01/25 : Jupiter ignites.
2010/02/?? : America is no longer a world power. The economy has collapsed, and Swine Flu is still claiming hundreds a day. Radical Right Wing Militias and disenfranchised citizens begin a revolt. Half of the top brass of the U.S. military defect to join the "Citizens Republic of America" or CRA.
2010/02/?? : Flu panic sets in and flu anti-virals jump to 100 dollars a shot.
2010/03/?? : new 7-year Shmita cycle begins.
2010/03/04 : Timewave Novelty Event - 0.0033N*
2010/04/06 : End of the T-3 event
2010/05/?? : After a bloody civil war, the CRA takes control of Washington D.C. The President and many members of Congress are executed live on TV in front of the White House. The CRA is seen as a liberator of corrupt politicians and Washington Elitism. A new regime is in control.
2010/06/05 : Pole Shift
2010/06/15 : The New York Stock Exchange market will fail, causing an international financial crisis.
2010/07/?? : Chinese secretly gain major control over the US economy.
2010/08/?? : The beginning of the age of sorrows.
2010/09/?? : Major earthquake. US invaded.
2010/09/?? : Start of WWIII according to Baba Vanga, the Bulgarian prophet
2010/09/?? : US west coast EarthQuake/Tsunami
2010/09/03 : Earthquake Tsunami to take out west coast. God’s gonna do it.
2010/10/10 : 6th Seal (Rev 6:12-17) - Great Earthquake. Sun becomes black and moon becomes like blood. Predicted Solar Eclipses may be disrupted. Heavens depart like a rolled up scroll and every mountain and island are moved from their place. Possibly caused by a Geographic Pole Shift/Galactic train wreck? Solar system passing through Galactic plane? Wormwood/Planet X approaching or passing Earth? "Earth shall stagger like a drunkard" (Isaiah 24:20).
2010/11/02 : (Bliss)
2010/11/02 : Collapse of Heiarchies – balancing of the world
2010/12/?? : America has now become an isolationist country under the control of the CRA. Swine Flu epidemic is fully under control do to "harsh but necessary preventative techniques". America has also begun tapping into its own resources, and is fully self sufficient.
2010/12/?? : Eight-day altar dedication begins (Rev 11; 2Thess 2:4)
2010/12/21 : Sacrifices begin - 2300 evening and morning = 1150 days (Dan 8:13-14).
2011/??/?? : A great murder will shock the UK.
2011/??/?? : Comet hits the earth
2011/??/?? : Due to the radioactive showers in Northern Hemisphere - no animals or plants will be left. Muslims will begin chemical war against Europeans who are still alive.
2011/??/?? : Obama assassinated.
2011/??/?? : Once fully empowered by the Spirit during the Festival of Pentecost, the 144,000 leave Jerusalem and go 2 by 2 as witnesses to all nations/peoples (Rev 14:6). Will parallel Acts 1-2 events and they will fulfill the "great commission" of Matt 24:14. Possibly the last warning before the 7 Trumpet judgments?
2011/??/?? : Solar flares strike earth
2011/??/?? : The research on the treatment of some cancers will be completed, but a new life-threatening virus will appear. People who are infected will die after only approx. 4 hours of coming into contact with the virus.
2011/01/16 : Timewave Novelty Event - 0.0014N*
2011/03/08 : End of evolution and emergence of sustainable advanced garden of eden.
2011/04/?? : Do to America's isolationism, China's economy collapses, as does most of the world's. China's Communist Party begins plans to invade the U.S., as they believe the newly established CRA regime is weak.
2011/05/?? : Pole shift predicted.
2011/05/21 : (Iyar 17; Genesis 7:11-16) God forever shuts salvation's door. NO ONE will become saved from eternal damnation after Friday, May 20, 2011. Start of god’s five month judgement
2011/06/27 : (Sivan 25; Haggai 2:18-23; Matthew 27:50-53; Acts 1:1-12) God the Lord Jesus Christ descends from Heaven to rapture His own elect. [Interestingly, May 24, A.D. 33 (Acts 2's Pentecost Sunday) to June 27, 2011 is exactly 22,500 days.] The 38-day tarrying period of May 21 - June 27 in 2011 is written about in Matthew 24:42-51 and Acts 1:1-14. These days parallel the 371 days that Noah and his family were in the ark during the worldwide Flood in 4,990 B.C. (Genesis 7-8; 370+1 or 37+1=38). The physical destruction of Satan's kingdom will commence on Monday, June 27, 2011 (immediately after the rapture;
2011/07/?? : China attacks Japan. Other nations attempt to help, but the island nation falls to the overwhelming power of the Communist nation. America and the CRA do nothing. Shortly after the fall of Japan, Russia slips back into Communist rule and predictably aligns themselves with China.
2011/08/10 Timewave Novelty Event – Reversal.
2011/10/06 : Timewave Novelty Event - 0.0006N*
2011/10/20 : (Tishri 22; 153 days; John 21:11; Revelation 9:1-12). The end of god’s five months of judgement. This earth becomes Hell's inferno. Death and destruction are everywhere.
2011/10/21 : (Tishri 23) God will completely dissolve into non-existence the entire universe "with a great noise" and "with fervent heat" (II Peter 3:10; the Authorized King James Bible). "Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness" (2 Peter 3:13)
2011/10/28 : (We evolve to conscious Co-Creation of existence and experience)
2011/11/?? : Iranian radicals, backed by the Islamic regime, smuggle 3 thermo-nuclear devices into Israel. While Iran technically had the capability to manufacture nuclear weapons after the fall of the UN, they opted to buy weapons they knew would not fail from the Neo-Soviet Republic. The bombs go off in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and a major Isreali military base. During the chaos, Iran, Syria, Palestinians, and various Islamic terrorist groups invade Israel. The "Holy Land" falls.
2011/11/11 : End of the world
2011/12/24 : At exactly 11:59pm, China and Russia launch ICBMs at the United States. The CRA responds by launching ICBMs. WWIII begins.
2012/??/?? There will be 2 more big wars. We will see, that the young boys will go abroad with guns to kill.
2012/??/?? : "Peace" will be made with Reptilians and the hybrid-illuminati genetic mixture, blending the two groups together.
2012/??/?? : 1st Trumpet - Hail and fire - burn 1/3 of trees and fire (Rev 8:7)
2012/??/?? : A major natural disaster may hit Asia
2012/??/?? : A major turning point in Iraq.
2012/??/?? : A New World religion (based on "Moony-ism") will be introduced and enforced upon all people. This religion will have the male/female, God/Godess, as Princess Diana and Emmanuel--hence a "second coming" of Christ.
2012/??/?? : A staged alien invasion will occur, forcing all nations, religions, and cultures to give up separate identities and unite under the UN/illuminati/Global government. US dollars already say NOVUS ORDO SECLOREM, ie "New World Order." The US Army slogan was recently changed after decades to "An Army Of One."
2012/??/?? : Atlantean technology will be revealed and exploited : interplanetary and interdimensional travel will openly be availiable to select people, on a primitive "caste" basis going back to medieval times.
2012/??/?? : Certain alien groups will be introduced as heroes who saved the Earth. They will likely be the group from Sirius A.
2012/??/?? : comets hit earth
2012/??/?? : Frozen moons of Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune will become Earth like after the new sun shines, and a resdistribution of Earth´s huge population will begin. At least three billion people will be recolonized on at least six new ´Earths´. (There´s a problem with this plan that depletes its believability. Jupiter´s ambiant radioactive levels are 1000s of times Earth´s. There is no benign or hospitable moon in that vicinity.)
2012/??/?? : Major solar storms will happen.
2012/??/?? : Pole shift unless Pieadians stop it
2012/??/?? : Start of the great tribulation.
2012/??/?? : The coming of the great cold.
2012/??/?? : The Earth shall be divided into three major political/economic units - North And South America, including Central America, Caribbean; Europe, Africa, and the Middle East; and, the Pan-Asia/Austrailian region.
2012/??/?? : The Greys invade earth.
2012/??/?? : The Pope is killed in the US.
2012/??/?? : The US moves to a cashless society.
2012/01/01 : GW Bush still in office.
2012/02/19 : Earth's human population is more than likely going to have been reduced dramatically, but those that are still here on Earth will truly begin to show love and caring as the new way of the world.
2012/08/09 : Timewave Novelty Event - 0.0002N*
2012/09/17 : Timewave Novelty Event - 0.00006N*
2012/12/21 : Mayan Doom
2012/12/21 : The Comet Nibrus hits earth and kills everyone.
2012/12/21 : Timewave Novelty Event - 0.0000000000000000000000N*
2013/??/?? : Comet hits the earth
2013/??/?? : Things will get better.
2013/??/?? : Those left regroup for a long 21st century
2013/??/?? : Total mind control will be the rule of the day, with transmissions coming from satellites, amplified by ground towers, cell phones, radio, and television. (Children are already programmed by shows like Pokeman, Barney, Teletubbies, Harry Potter, Ninja Turtles, and most other shows on TV.)
2013/??/?? : US reviels existance of UFOs.
2013/01/?? : "The blessing of 'coming to the 1335 days' is still uncertain, but since it is 45 days before the Abomination when Jesus said to absolutely flee by, it could be the timing of when the righteous leave as a group in plenty of time rather than last minute upon seeing the Abomination.“ -KTF, McHyde p.103 (Dan 12:12) The Righteous will know "the Desolation" is near because the armies of Mystery Babylon (the Mother) will be surrounding Jerusalem (Luke 21:20).
2013/01/20 : Hilary clinton sworn in as president after joining forces with The Beast.
2013/03/?? : Purim Sacrifices stopped by "Haman", 1290 Days until Tabernacles/Marriage Consummation (Dan 9:27;11:31;12:11; Mark 13:14; Matt 24:15).
2013/11/?? : Research on treatment of cancers, except for brain tumors, will be completed. An earthquake, caused by volcanic eruptions, will happen on Bahama Island of the Canary Islands . A gigantic tsunami of roughly 150 metres will result. America mainlands, Brazil etc. will be affected, with the tsunami pushing into the land as far as 15 to 20 kilometres. Before the occurrence of this gigantic tsunami, the sea/ocean water levels will sink by about 6 metres, and large flocks of birds will start to migrate.
2014/??/?? : "Abomination of Desolation" setup in the Holiest Place by the False-Messiah and "the Woman" is given wings to flee to Edom (modern-day southern Jordan). The Beast is enraged by her escape and turns to those which didn't (Dan 9:27;11:31;12:11; Mark 13:14; Matt 24:15-16; Rev 12; Zeph 2:1-3). The Beast begins to consume Jacob, 10-Israel (multitude of nations-Gen 48:19), and Judah (the Jews), those still IN the nations who are NOT counted with the 144,000 or "the Woman". Mortal man scarcer than fine gold (Isaiah 13). "?cities will be ruins without inhabitaant" (Jer 4:7).
2014/??/?? : 1335 day countdown to dedication of Millennial Temple (see Rood's Calendar)? Is the "Blessing" that they live to see the New Temple? (Daniel 12:12)
2014/??/?? : A Comet possibly could strike Northeast Greenland
2014/??/?? : A small planet that has been gradually closing in on Earth might eventually collide with Earth, and this collision, if come to pass, will affect the survival of humans as a whole.
2014/??/?? : Most of the people in this world will have skin cancer and skin related diseases. (as a result of chemical wars).
2014/??/?? : Nuclear World War III - Russia (and China?) destroy what is left of the USA - Mystery Babylon #1 "is fallen" (Rev 14:8). Wings plucked (Dan 7:4), Mother Babylon is humiliated at her Daughter's destruction (Jer 50:12). The Beast (Anti-Messiah) campaigns "publicly" to bring order with hard-to-resist solutions to solve world crisis. He also prepares to devour Messianic Israel (Rev 12).
2014/??/?? : Sun dims.
2014/??/?? : World is split into 4 provinces.
2014/??/?? : World wide famine
2014/03/21 : Asteroid "2003 QQ47" hits earth.
2014/04/?? : 67th year (from 1947/1948). 5th Trumpet. Reign of Anti-Messiah (42 months) begins. Two Witnesses begin frustrating Anti-Messiah from Jerusalem for 1260 days (Rev 11:3).
2014/04/15 : Blood-red moon - technically Unleavened Bread.
2014/10/?? : End of WWIII according to Baba Vanga, the Bulgarian prophet
2014/10/08 : Blood-red moon
2015/??/?? : 6th Trumpet - World War IV - China and Russia alarmed at the Beast's thirst for blood and power... "tidings from the north and east" - 1/3 of mankind dies in following war (Rev 9:13-21; Dan 11:44).
2015/??/?? : Christians are persecuted world wide, mainly in America.
2015/??/?? : Comet hits the earth
2015/??/?? : Earth will become the center of a tyrannical Empire that will fan out amongst the stars and universes, continuing the conquer and assimilate agenda. (They wish.)
2015/??/?? : End of the second Great Depression, millions may suffer through the unemployment, diseases and famine.
2015/??/?? : The End Times!!!
2015/??/?? : The so called ´indigo children´ a code name for the illuminati to ´indicate´ children with special or psychic abilities will be confiscated from their parents and trained by the empire. ("Freemen" will have to learn to look stupid.)
2015/??/?? : US army is 50% robotic.
2015/04/04 : Blood-red moon - technically Unleavened Bread.
2015/09/28 : Blood-red moon
2015/11/15 : The average temperature of Earth could be as high as 59 degrees Celsius. Many people will die from the overheat, and international confusion and terror ensues.
2015/12/21 : End of the Apocalypse
2016/??/?? : Comet hits the earth
2016/??/?? : End of creation postponed due to energy concerns.
2016/??/?? : Europe is almost empty
2016/??/?? : Obama will be president of the UN.
2016/??/?? : The Lord takes Israel away from the jews.
2016/04/?? : A huge typhoon will invade China , causing massive damage. The 43rd USA president, George Walker Bush, will enter the hospital, and faces a life or death situation.
2016/06/04 : Something big will happen.
2016/06/11 : Christ returns.
2017/??/?? : End of humanity
2017/??/?? : India goes to war with china.
2017/??/?? : SHMITA YEAR 69th year
2017/??/?? : the world economy has collapsed. Food, natural resources and oil are in short supply. A police state, divided into paramilitary zones
2017/??/?? : TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE over the Midwest of America.
2017/08/?? : End of the reign of the antichrist.
2018/??/?? : Anti-christ rises to power from one of the provinces destroying America and taking over the world.
2018/??/?? : China becomes the new world power.
2018/??/?? : Sudden disappearance of millions of people from the earth.
2018/??/?? : The Antichrist 30 years of age, will begin his quest to solidify north america into one entity
2018/??/?? : US troups finally get out of Iraq.
2019/??/?? : China comes to America, slaughters anyone left alive.
2019/??/?? : Glen beck says an asteroid is gonna hit us.
2019/??/?? : The whole world follows the anti-christ.
2020/??/?? : Humans start to explore the galaxy with robotic probes.
2020/??/?? : Millions disappear throughout the world unexplainably, Images of Christ begin appearing in bizarre places.
2020/??/?? : Peek oil and the year of DOOM. Almost every country in the world is ruled by women.
2020/??/?? : Projected date when the last of the honey bees all die off.
2021/??/?? : All are forced to take the mark of the beast.
2021/??/?? : Pole Shift
2022/??/?? : Massive solar flares strike earth, Sun is 7 times brighter.
2023/??/?? : Earth’s orbit will change slightly
2023/??/?? : Pluto leaves capricorn which does... something. Not sure what. Astrological, I’m sure.
2024/??/?? : Canadians are living on the moon.
2025/??/?? : Europe is still barely populated
2025/??/?? : Our pets have mutated and grown smarter than us we are their slaves.
2025/??/?? : Sun goes out.
2025/??/?? : World united in peace.
2025/??/?? : Yeshua returns to earth putting and end to it all.
2026/??/?? : Global temp is up 2 degrees Centigrade
2026/??/?? : is an approximate time ,when something happens.
2026/07/?? : A super earthquake will occur in Sans Francisco, and it will be named ‘The Big One’. Huge damage to surrounding areas. Many volcanoes will re-activate, and the height of resulting tsunami will be more than 150 metres.
2027/12/25 : Big asteroid hits earth.
2028/??/?? : Development of a new energy source. (Probably controller thermonuclear reaction) Hunger slowly stops being a problem. Piloted spaceship to Venus deploys.
2028/??/?? : Generation X Resorts to Canabalism...Forced to Eat Babyboomers
2029/04/13 : Apophis comes within 16,000 miles of hitting the Earth. That asteroid is HUGE -- it would be an ELE if it hits.
2030/??/?? : Comet hits the earth
2030/??/?? : Complete breakdown of society.
2030/??/?? : First human base on the moon.
2030/??/?? : Humanity replaced by human robot hybrids.
2030/??/?? : The singularity is upon us.
2031/??/?? : Comet hits the earth
2033/??/?? : Polar ice caps melt. World ocean levels rise.
2033/??/?? : The rapture.
2033/??/?? : The United States of America unites with Canada as the "two brothers" fall under Antichrist's spell
2035/??/?? : Asteroid hits earth.
2036/??/?? : Jesus returns.
2036/04/13 : Apophis returns, IT WILL STRIKE THE EARTH AND CAUSE A GLOBAL ELE at that time.
2037/??/?? : Big earthquake in California.
2037/??/?? : Social security runs out of money.
2038/??/?? : All unix computers stop working.
2039/??/?? : Asteroid hits the earth.
2040/??/?? : First physical time machine.
2040/??/?? : North pole ice free.
2040/??/?? : The End times prophecy is fulfilled, The War for Earth, The North American Axis falls in battle to the power of Jesus's Words, dethroning the Antichrist, Christs Spirit reigns for 1000 years as the Image of Earth. Millions of Muslims, Jews, and Christians are persecuted by Antichrist's Godless society.
2042/??/?? : White americans no longer majority.
2043/??/?? : World economy is prosperous. Muslims are running Europe.
2044/??/?? : Comet hits the earth
2044/??/?? : Every US child and adult is obese.
2044/??/?? : The Yellowstone supervolcano errupts following a major comet impact. Geomagnetic changes, crustal shifts and major landslides in volcanic islands (e.g. Hawaii) may occur coincidently.
2045/??/?? : An ice age begins apparently because they found something in a 4500 year old Akkadian seal
2045/??/?? : Comet hits the earth
2046/??/?? : Any organs can be mass produced. Exchange of body organs becomes the favorite method of treatment.
2048/??/?? : Fire, brimstone, warriors on colorful horses, the whole shebang.
2048/06/03 : Asteroid hits earth.
2050/??/?? : All coral reefs dead. All ice on the planet has melted.
2050/??/?? : Brain downloads possible.
2050/??/?? : Fusion nuclear power becomes common energy.
2050/??/?? : It will be legal to marry and have sex with robots.
2050/??/?? : Population reaches 9 billion world wide.
2050/??/?? : Russia converts to islam
2051/??/?? : World War 4 begins.
2054/??/?? : rapture happens.
2060/??/?? : Humans will find out there are other species in the universe.
2060/??/?? : Newton predicts the end of the world.
2065/??/?? : Ozone layer finally recovers.
2066/??/?? : During it’s attack on Rome (which is under control of the Muslims) U.S.A. uses a new method of weapons - has to do with climate change. Sharp freezing.
2066/??/?? : Some guy named John Titor goes back in time and has absolutely nothing useful to say about the future.
2071/??/?? : Comet hits the earth
2071/??/?? : Muslims learn how to travel back in time and randomly taser babies for some reason.
2075/??/?? : Problem of global warming will be totally resolved.
2076/??/?? : Comet hits the earth
2076/??/?? : No class society (communism)
2084/??/?? : The rebirth of the nature.
2086/??/?? : Paul Cardan, president of germany, travels back in time to discuss snitzel and how everybody dies from a virus.
2088/??/?? : New disease. - People are getting old in few seconds.
2089/??/?? : The world ends.
2097/??/?? : This disease is cured.
2100/??/?? : 1/3 or earth’s land mass will be desert.
2100/??/?? : Man made Sun is lighting up the dark side of the planet Earth.
2100/??/?? : The first Pleiades delegates from Pleades cluster will visit us.
2111/??/?? : People become robots.
2120/??/?? : Comet hits the earth
2123/??/?? : Wars between small countries. Big countries don’t get evolved.
2125/??/?? : In Hungry the signals from Space are received. (People will be reminded of Vanga again)
2130/??/?? : Colonies under water (advices from aliens)
2130/??/?? : Comet hits the earth
2154/??/?? : Animals become half-humans.
2167/??/?? : New religion
2170/??/?? : Big drought.
2183/??/?? : Collony on Mars becomes nuclear nation and is asking for independence from the Earth. (same way as U.S. did from England)
2187/??/?? : Successfully two volcano eruptions are stopped.
2195/??/?? : Sea colonies are fully supplied with energy and food.
2196/??/?? : Full mixture between Asians and Europeans.
2201/??/?? : Thermonuclear reactions on the Sun slow down. Temperatures Drop.
2221/??/?? : In the search of Alien life, human beings engage with something very freighting.
2256/??/?? : Spaceship brings a freighting new disease into Earth.
2262/??/?? : Orbits of planets start to change progressively. Mars is undera threat of being hit by a comet.
2271/??/?? : Physic properties are calculated over, since they changed.
2273/??/?? : Mix of yellow, white, and black race. New race.
2279/??/?? : Energy out of nothing (probably from vacuum or black holes)
2288/??/?? : Travel through time. New contacts with the aliens.
2291/??/?? : Sun cools. Attempts to fire it up again are taken.
2296/??/?? : Bright flashes on the Sun. Force of gravity changes. Old space stations and satellites begin to fall
2299/??/?? : In France, there is a partisan uprising against Islam.
2302/??/?? : New important new laws and mysteries about the universe are uncovered.
2304/??/?? : The mystery of the Moon is uncovered.
2341/??/?? : Something frightening is closing in with Earth from the space.
2354/??/?? : Accident on one of the man made suns, will result in drought.
2371/??/?? : Mighty hunger.
2378/??/?? : New and fast growing race.
2480/??/?? : Two man made suns will collide. Earth is in the dark.
3005/??/?? : War on Mars. Trajectory of planets changes.
3010/??/?? : Comet will ram into the Moon. Around Earth there is a belt of rocks and dust.
3797/??/?? : By this time, everything living on Earth dies. But humans are able to put in the essentials for the beginning of a new life in a new star system.

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  • Postów: 11
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  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
Reputacja neutralna


Co za dużo to niezdrowo :/ Przejrzałem tylko pobieżnie te przepowiednie, ale dopatrzyłem się co najmniej dwóch powrotów Jezusa, trzech końców świata i czterech uderzeń komety w Ziemię. Nawet jeśli coś z tego jest prawdziwe to i tak ginie wśród masy bezsensownych i przeczących sobie przepowiedni.
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Witchfinder General.
  • Postów: 425
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Reputacja bardzo dobra


Tych uderzeń komety/asteroidy to było chyba ze 20 xD Samych końców świata i wojen światowych z 10 xD A najlepsze były momenty jak było "end of all man" a później, coś tam że Bush dalej siedzi na swoim stanowisku :mrgreen:
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czy przeczytales bynajmniej pierwszych 10?
Chyba nie, dla mnie twoja reputacja jest wysoka a to co wkleiles mija sie z tym okropnie. przeciez tego nie mozna nazwac wizjami/proroctwami/przepowiedniami a nawet gó** bym tego nie nazwal.

"2009/06/?? : Planet X hits planet earth."

to po co dalej leca przepowiednie? jizys...
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Thank you for not stalking!

If you need help you can email [email protected]

we sometimes have to ban entire ISP Providers because of attacks on this website..

If you have been inadvertently caught up in one of these bans please accept our apologies email us and we will try to clear it up for you

haha jak to mozliwe ze moje IP ma bana,jak nie mam neo i nie mam zmiennego ip ? o0o0o0o0
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haha jak to mozliwe ze moje IP ma bana,jak nie mam neo i nie mam zmiennego ip ? o0o0o0o0

Przecież ci pisze, że blokują zakresami całych dostawców :P
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  • Postów: 454
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Co do postów wyżej a propos listy - to po prostu chronologiczny zlepek z różnych przepowiedni które ludzie umieszczają w tematach na stronie skąd jest lista. Miesięcznie aktualizowana (czyli dochodzą nowe, te którym czas minął wypadają). Autor tej listy nie twierdzi "tak wygląda przyszłość", tylko "to jest spis tego, co wrzucają userzy na stronie (poparte jakimś linkiem oczywiście)". Żeby wszystko było w jednym miejscu i każdy mógł sobie z czasem weryfikować co jest bzdurą, a co nie. Dlatego wytykanie autorowi, tudzież userowi Jareckiemu, że jest pięć końców świata i 10 uderzeń komety więc to jakieś g.... , sugeruje, że błędnie zinterpretowaliście sens tej listy. :>
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Reputacja neutralna



Tyle że ta lista nie ma żadnej merytorycznej wartości. Fajnie że ktoś zebrał wszystkie przepowiednie w jedną listę, ale bez znajomości chociażby ich autorów ciężko doszukać się czegoś sensownego. Gdybyśmy znali autorów, można by stwierdzić - "OK, to mu się sprawdziło to jest szansa że następna przepowiednia też się sprawdzi", albo eliminować tych których przepowiednie się nie sprawdzają.
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  • Postów: 454
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Jej merytoryczna wartość zależy od kontekstu w jakim jest pokazana. Nie wiem w jakim celu wrzucił ją tu Jarecki (bo i ciężko wywnioskować z jego postu :mrgreen: ), natomiast sam autor stworzył ją i uaktualnia z przymrużeniem oka - właśnie żeby pokazać jak wyglądają te wszystkie przepowiednie razem, wzięte do kupy na jednej linii "czasu". Zresztą sam autor pisze w komentarzach, że nie wierzy w przepowiednie bo uważa że nie istnieje coś takiego jak "zapisana przyszłość", a listę uzupełnia hobbystycznie ;)

A daty do "wydarzeń" są brane z postów na forum strony z której pochodzi lista (która ma istnieć tylko tam lokalnie, więc zapewne autor nie widzi potrzeby dorzucania do każdej linijki linka do tematu/postu). Za przykład niech posłuży ten wpis

2009/07/11 : Obama will use lasers to do... something. I can’t figure this guy out.
Na nasze: Obama użyje laserów do...czegoś. Nie wiem o co dokładnie chodzi.

Anyway - lista jest zbiorem przepowiedni z innej strony paranormalnej, a każdy potraktuje ją jak mu się podoba. (najlepiej jednak ją potraktować jak sam autor listy :mrgreen: )
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Reputacja znakomita


Mam wrażenie,że ta wypowiedź już była zamieszczana w którymś z tematów ale mimo to warto ją powtórzyć.
Otóż rosyjski jasnowidz wieszczy,że w drugiej połowie tego roku Stany Zjednoczone bardzo dotkliwie przekonają się o niszczycielskiej sile broni atomowej.
Wg tego człowieka jedno z największych miast USA (wskazuje Nowy Jork) zostanie zmiecione z powierzchni ziemi.
Choć jak mówi,terroryści mogą zmienić plany w ostatniej chwili i zdetonować ładunki w innym z miast:Los Angeles,Detroit czy Chicago.
Ten atak terrorystyczny ma zapoczątkować prawdopodobnie III Wojnę Światową (świat arabski vs reszta świata),w konflikcie tym Rosja ma pozostać na drugim planie.

  • 0

#268 Gość_CriticalErr0r

  • Tematów: 0


odswieżam temat - Apokaliptyczne wizje tego szamana z 2007 roku okazały się komletnym niewypałem.
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  • Postów: 1070
  • Tematów: 32
  • Płeć:Mężczyzna
Reputacja bardzo dobra


ale były by nie złe jaja jak by była wojna światów i nagle by się okazało, że serio ktoś nad nami czuwa i rusza z pomocą z innych galaktyk :D mimo, że tragiczna - to paradoksalnie jak dla mnie piękna wizja... mógł bym umrzeć.

ale jednak te trefne wizje, to może być jeden z dowodów, że te wszystkie wizje, wszystkie doświadczenia "na wyższych poziomach" są tylko wytworem umysłu...

Użytkownik Ronaldo edytował ten post 11.09.2010 - 11:12

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